The bar or tavern area of your accommodation camp is where your employees head to have a drink and take their mind off the worries from the day. Kicking back with mates and enjoying a cold one is a great way to unwind and decompress.

Apart from good beer, the most important thing in your bar area is the furniture. Your furniture needs to be welcoming and offer comfort to your guests. It should also be durable and ready to wear the harsh beating it is sure to get. Easy to clean and maintain is another feature your bar furniture needs to be.

Comfortable and stylish

The bar area should encourage your employees to relax and chill out while they enjoy their drink of choice. If your furniture is comfortable and stylish, you will achieve this easily.

Bar furniture needs to be comfortable so that your employees are encouraged to stay to enjoy their drinks rather than taking them back to their rooms or another area of the camp. If your employees stay in the area, they can download to their mates. Encouraging friendships and mateship amongst your employees is a great way you can boost their morale and mental health.

The style of the furniture should speak to the type of atmosphere you are wanting to create. Relaxed and fun furniture is a great option for bar areas. Bright colours and fun furniture add to the atmosphere. If you are wanting to stay on brand, you could think about using chairs in the colours that your branding uses.

Welcome your employees to the bar area with furniture that is not only comfortable and stylish, but durable.

Durable tavern and bar furniture

Backed by a 5-year warranty across the board, our tavern and bar furniture is guaranteed quality, however this is not always the case. Living up on a mine site accommodation camp, furniture is sure to get quite a beating. It is placed in a harsh environment with extreme weather, and it is used by dirty and tired men and women from off the mine. For this reason, your furniture needs to be able to withstand the rigours of the lifestyle.

Choosing furniture materials that suit the area that your furniture is placed in, will contribute to how your furniture fares. For example, solid timber products shouldn’t be used outdoors and our recommendation for outdoor chairs and stools is polypropylene. If your bar area is indoors, you might want to look at solid timber tables and upholstered chairs, however you do need to think of cleaning and maintenance of the furniture to keep it up to standard.

Cleaning and maintenance

To comply with current hygiene standards, furniture does need to be wiped down and cleaned regularly. You may want to consider this when you are looking at your furniture. For example, polypropylene chairs and stools can be easily sprayed down with a hose. Upholstered chairs and stools require a little more with wiping them down with a soft, damp cloth. Timber furniture requires a little more maintenance to keep it looking fresh and new.

If your furniture is placed outdoors, you might want to consider our outdoor furniture options. Read more about outdoor furniture here. Outdoor furniture tends to be easier to maintain and can often simply be sprayed down with a hose and swept over with a quick brush or cloth to remove dust and dirt.

As an accommodation camp often has various shifts of employees through the rooms throughout the day, the rooms and the furniture needs to be cleaned between each shift. For this reason, your furniture needs to be easy to clean.