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We understand

At Minesite Furniture we understand your camp and your needs better than anyone else in the industry. Our passionate team, fuelled by an unbeatable energy know the industry back to front, and inside out. We know how it works, how it flows, what it needs. We are a mine site focussed company – not just a company that can do mine site furniture. We’ve made it our business to understand you and your needs and we’re here, ready to start on your design journey.

The Full Package, to your door.

At Minesite Furniture we provide a full turnkey package from concept and design to manufacture and delivery for your facilities within the mining and defence industry. We listen to your needs and wants and provide you with the full package, delivered right to you, no matter where you are.

On-Site Consultation

We want to add value right from the first call. From our office to on-site consultations, Minesite Furniture is here to provide you with the best consultation service. Let us visit you at your camp to talk through your vision in person.
We’ll listen to you as you tell us your plans and needs and create a tailored solution especially for your camp.

Experienced consultants

After being in the game for over 10 years, we know the popular design options for mining and defence camps. We offer you our advice, expertise and design services for free. We have been trusted advisors for many great new camps across Australia, so feel free to tap into our knowledge for personalised recommendations for your new camp fitout.

Customer Journey

Contact Us

Let’s discuss your camp needs.

Site Visit

Consult in your space, face to face.


Receive your personalised concept & design


Creation of your products to suit your needs.


Organise delivery for when it best suits you.


We’ll follow-up your purchase to ensure goals have been met.