The first question, what is a wellness room? Wellness rooms are a relatively new concept, with them taking more and more precedence in mine site accommodation planning. Wellness rooms or centres are a retreat, a safe place. They are a private area for employees to escape to if they are feeling unwell or stressed, somewhere they can do yoga, pray, or decompress after a long day.

Wellness rooms are gaining a lot of traction as the world is becoming more educated as to the importance of mental health and wellbeing in today’s society. And this is never more important than when your employees are a long way from home and family, and often a long way from civilisation.

Whilst it isn’t necessary, we have been a part of a wellness room project which was created entirely for the female staff. This offered a safe place for the women on the job and a place where they could go without fear to unwind and rest.

So, what does a wellness room include and what can you expect to gain from adding on to your site?

Generally speaking, a wellness room or centre has soft furnishings and colours to encourage its occupants to relax and unwind. The choice of furnishings and how much you furnish the area is entirely your choice. These areas are completely custom and should be tailored to your employees needs. You may want to include lounges, kitchen amenities or exercise equipment. You may choose to include music, refreshments, or eye masks for those looking to take a power nap. All of these options give your employees a chance to centre themselves and care for their wellbeing in a way that best suits them.

A wellness room can offer your employees a space to increase their mental or physical health.

How does a wellness room improve mental health?

When it comes to your employee’s mental health, it is so important. Your employees need the chance to escape stressful situations, and a room where they can be alone for a few minutes can allow the brain to relax and recharge. Often workers in mine site accommodation camps are away from their family and friends, and in a remote location. This can lead to anxiety and a decline in morale. You need to ensure the morale of your employees is high to maintain productivity and happiness.

How does a wellness room improve physical health?

A wellness room does more than care for mental health, it also provides an area of respite and peace. If an employee is feeling unwell, they can use the wellness room to take a break without anyone disturbing them, or them disturbing anyone else. A wellness room can also be an area where employees can take a rest, have a break if they are on their feet a lot. Sitting down and resting in a quiet, secluded area does great things for back pain, feet pain or headaches.

Not only this, if your wellness room includes exercise equipment, your employees can use it to improve their fitness or maintain their physical condition.